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The TLC program has steps to complete. It is not an emergency shelter. It is a transitional housing program for single young moms and their small children.

If you are in Hernando County and need help because of abuse call:

Dawn Center Hotline: 352-686-8430 

If you are a male, call Jericho Road Phone: (352) 799-2912 ext.103  

If you are a single female with no children call:

Mary’s House (352) 799-2912 ext.109 or go to   

For pregnancy services other than housing, call:

A New Generation 352-544-0911 or go to

If TLC can help you call 352 597-0119 or go to:  or email :

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The Life Center of Hernando Program Steps

Woman with Laptop

Step ONE:

Learn about TLC


Look over this website and decide if you would like more


Then call 352 597-0119 and ask if there is any available

space. Ask any additional questions you may have.

If you would like to be considered for acceptance into the program ask to complete a prescreening over the phone.

Woman Holding a Mobile Phone

Step TWO:




While you are still on the phone the TLC representative will fill out a pre-screening form with you.

To better serve clients, TLC pre-screens applicants for residency prior to scheduling an interview.

Applicants who do not appear to meet the general requirements for residency will not be scheduled for the more in depth interview process.


Priority will be given to pregnant applicants 18-25 and females with children under 5 years of age.

Young Mother



Intake Interview:


If this seems like a good match and TLC has an opening, you will be invited to set up an interview date. You must bring a picture ID to that interview.

  • If placement is being considered, an intake interview will be scheduled. If extenuating circumstances exist, a phone interview or off-site visit may be completed. Date placement is desired will be noted.

  • A residency application will be  completed during the initial interview. The interview will be conducted by 2 or more TLC representatives.   

  • The Life Center will clarify financial and other responsibilities that are to be assumed by a potential resident during the period of the resident’s stay at the home. These include medical, food, hygiene and transportation expenses.

  • The potential resident shall be informed of the general program of the home and shown a copy of the Policy and Procedure Manual.

  • The potential resident will be informed that all information will be kept confidential.


Step FOUR: 

Staff Recommendation:

A recommendation by the administrative staff shall be made within 3 business days of the completion of the interview process and the applicant notified. The Board reserves the right to make the final decision concerning admission of any young woman. 


If an interviewee is accepted into the program, she will be given access to the building and invited to move in. A resident may leave the program voluntarily at any time.


Note: If any person is eligible for any program offered by The Life Center and does not apply according to the procedure outlined above, TLC cannot help.

TLC Acceptance Criteria

  • Must be unmarried or separated at least 18 or older or emancipated and be pregnant or have custody of at least
    one child. 

  • Must be drug-free (including tobacco and alcohol) before being admitted to the program.

  • Must not have serious  diagnosed behavior problems, such as extreme aggression or violent  behavior.

  • There are no geographical limitations on intake, but preference will be given to current Hernando County residents. 

  • Must be willing to live harmoniously in a communal living situation. 

  • Must consent to abide by the guidelines of the program, including participating in all aspects of the program ie Life Skills Classes, volunteering, etc.  

  • Must agree to background check & not have an outstanding arrest warrant  

  • Applicant must agree to apply for all benefits and services for which she is eligible.

  • TLC complies with all non-discriminatory laws and regulations, within our program guidelines.
    We do not discriminate based on race, age, or religion.



Stage One


Each resident who successfully completes the 30 day probationary period, enters stage One.

Stage One may not last longer than 12 months. Continued placement is contingent on program compliance.

That stage ends when a resident has an established income for a continuous six week period. 

In stage One, no program fees are expected. Any money in a resident’s possession may be used at the resident’s discretion. 

Residents will be expected to accomplish the following:


TLC is faith based

  • Volunteer 10 hours a week at TLC in lieu of program fees.

  • Agree not to take loans or cash advances or to use charge/debit cards. 

  • Provide food  for herself and her children

  • Provide transportation for herself and her children as needed

  • Submit to and pass random drug testing 

  • Participate in a community service project at least once

  • Continue required programs to completion 

  • Participate in the TLC Life Skill Classes

  • Attend a religious service at least once a week

  • Meet with TLC staff as requested

  • Demonstrate appropriate behavior at all times

  • Participate in maintaining a clean and orderly home

  • Have income for six weeks immediately preceding Stage Two.

  • Prepare a personal budget based on the six-week income and discuss it with staff

In the final six weeks of Stage One, the resident must have an established income. Stage One income is intended to provide an opportunity for the resident to meet outstanding personal needs and program obligations. Any program requirements not previously met due to financial barriers must be met in the final six weeks of Stage One.

Adult Education Course

Stage Two


Each resident who successfully completes the requirements of Stage One, enters Stage Two for a maximum of one year. Continued placement is contingent on program compliance.

A resident who fails to maintain a Stage Two level may revert back to Stage One a maximum of 2 times and remain there for the completion of her one year limit at Stage One.

During Stage Two, the resident will be expected to accomplish the following:

  • Remain employed or in school 

  • Pay resident program fees 

  • Deposit money in bank monthly towards transportation

  • Be debt free/get financial counseling at Director’s recommendation 

  • Complete GED program if enrolled but not yet graduated

  • Participate in a community service project at least 6 times 

  • Demonstrate use of local library

  • Prepare a written list of support resources, including names and contact info.

  • Successfully continue participating in the TLC Life Skill classes

  • Attend a religious service at least once a week

  • Meet with TLC staff as requested

  • Obtain a learner’s driver’s permit if indicated

In Stage Two, each young woman will pay program fees. Fees are usually 33% of gross income, but can be adjusted as necessary on a case-by-case basis. If a resident can demonstrate hardship caused by paying these fees, a possible reduction will be considered.

A resident  will decide how to save or use the remainder of her own income. Failure to pay program fees may result in dismissal from the program. The staff will provide mentoring to help the young women develop responsible money management and budgeting skills.


Stage Three

Getting ready to 


Each resident who successfully remains in Stage Two for 12 months and completes the requirements for that level enters Stage Three.


Stage Three may not be longer than 12 months.

Continued placement is contingent on program compliance.

During this 12 month period, the resident will be expected to accomplish the following:

  • Continue to pay program fees as set by TLC

  • Increase monthly savings to cover cost of transportation at year’s end.

  • Participate in a community service project at least 10 times

  • Discuss short and long range goals with TLC staff

  • Begin accumulating necessary household items

  • Successfully continue participating in the TLC Life Skill Classes

  • Continue attending religious service at least once a week

  • Continue meeting with TLC staff as requested

  • Retake TLC survey to help determine if goals were successfully met.

  • Obtain a driver’s license unless exempt.

Program Transition

TLC residents are helped to reach their goals.

Towards the end of Stage Three, each young woman will be helped to plan for her move. 

Each young woman will construct a clear strategy for her transition with the help of staff. She will have a personal plan with concrete action steps to make the vision a reality.

She will: 

  • Discuss short and long range goals with TLC staff

  • Discuss realistic future child care plan with TLC staff

  • Locate affordable housing & request written reference from TLC

  • Discuss transportation plan with TLC staff

  • Discuss realistic medical care plan for self & child with Executive Director

  • Discuss support system with TLC staff

  • Request vouchers for transition into community

  • Complete an exit Program Questionnaire

  • Families successfully transitioning out of stage 3 may request earned vouchers for items such as utility and rent deposits up to 50% of program fees paid in stage 3.

Former Residents

TLC will attempt to maintain communication with former residents who leave in good standing.


This will be done through correspondence, phone calls, visits and TLC sponsored events. Residents will be encouraged to make return visits and attend certain TLC functions.


Residents will be encouraged to support TLC  by volunteering or donating.

Former residents in good standing will be offered services and goods when such services and good are readily available. 

We Need Your Support Today!

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The life Center of Hernando, Inc. is a charitable organization registered under s.496.411(3), F.S. A copy of the official registration may be obtained from the division of consumer affairs by calling 1-800-435-7352 Toll-Free within the state. Registration does

not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.

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